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Wils 10:29 Mon May 9
Why/when did we stop singing this one...
You go down pub.
you drink ten pints,
you get really plastered.
Then you go back 'ome and you beat your wife,
'cos you're a northern bastard!

Was one of our best IMHO. We still sing so many other oldies but this has gone awol over the years - or am I wrong?

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Sarge 2:50 Wed May 11
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
As a visiting Tonbridge fan we sung it at Maidstone at new year.

Sven Roeder 2:45 Wed May 11
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
Dont hear the general DIRTY NORTHERN BASTARDS as much these days.
Maybe because when we play Liverpool or Man U their players (& fans) arent very northern.
Can remember it being sung when we played Watford at one time. They ARE 'northern' to be fair

yngwies Cat 2:39 Wed May 11
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
Old Mac Donald had a farm e I ei o
And on that farm he had some Pigs e I E I O

With a nick nick here and and a nick nick there...

Used to be standard when Plod and into the North/South banks ..

Always made laff.

GRiM71 2:53 Wed May 11
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
cambsiron 8:50 Tue May 10

Definitely Oldham away Good Friday so we drew 1-1 I think it was Dowie's debut

Mickey Rat 2:00 Wed May 11
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
You look in the dustbin for something to eat
Find a dead cat and think it's a treat one was sung back in the early seventies

eswing hammer 12:15 Wed May 11
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
We are the West Ham the pride of the south ,
We hate the Arsenal cos they are all mouth ,
We took their north bank and that was fuck all , the hammers will rise and the gunners will fall ,
La,la,la la la …..
The West Ham united will never be defeated!
The West Ham united will never be defeated!

13 Brentford Rd 11:57 Tue May 10
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
He's only a poor little Scouser
His face is all tattered and torn
He made me feel sick
So I hit him with a brick
And now he don't sing anymore

cambsiron 8:50 Tue May 10
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
First heard the northern bastard song at Oldham. Presumably soon after it was on TV. Can't remember if it was at the 6-0 mauling or the 1-1 cheating game. We always used to sing it in the first person with slightly amended words from the TV version.
I go down pub
I drink ten pints
I get really plastered
I go back home and beat the wife
Cos I'm a northern bastard

Word changed slightly over the years to include dirty northern bastard

Great song.

Northern Sold 12:14 Tue May 10
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
Not been for a few yeas but imagine Londoner is still not being sung... used to love that on the trains and pubs at away games... mainly up North of course...

wanstead_hammer 12:10 Tue May 10
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
‘Bertie Mee said to Bill shankly…………..’

‘My old man said be a West Ham fan…….’

‘Ooh altogether, ooh altogether’

‘Old macdonald ad a farm….’

ornchurch ammer 11:29 Tue May 10
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
The Fonz 10:42 Mon May 9

Complicated by too many words.

Will always be beaten by something like “ John Terry, you’re a cunt”. Nice and simple that one.

ornchurch ammer 11:27 Tue May 10
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
‘ You’re going home like Sandy Richardson’

Makes me feel old that one.

wanstead_hammer 11:23 Tue May 10
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
Yeh, they still sing that one and others in our bit in the west side (nr the away bit). Last time was against Burnley the other week.
A lot of the other classics are gone though:
‘We are Evil’.
‘South Bank do your job’
‘A.g… A.g.r…A.g.r.o……AGRO’
‘You’re going home like Sandy Richardson’
‘You’re just a bunch of wankers’

A bit of friendly banter like!

The Fonz 10:42 Mon May 9
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
Declan's won the ball again*

The Fonz 10:42 Mon May 9
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
This is an old one that never took off for Rice:

He knew what he wanted to do,
Came to East London to be claret and blue,
Now he's like a son,
Number 41,
Declan’s on the ball again

Much better than his current one.

Sven Roeder 10:06 Mon May 9
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
I noticed when they played Brentford they chanted an offensive Jewish slur at Eriksen when he took a corner in front of them.
No comment from the Tottenham Snowflake Trust at that?

twoleftfeet 10:01 Mon May 9
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
BBC reporting that Spurs Fans trust are condemning their own fans for singing “ sign on “ to Liverpool fans.

We are doomed.

Sven Roeder 9:52 Mon May 9
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
The last line is always DIRTY NORTHERN BASTARD isnt it?

My recollection is that is was taken from a bit of a Hale & Pace 'comedy song' Northern Calypso from around 1988 which is the same but finishes about being a FAT NORTHERN BASTARD
Unless they took a bit of an existing terrace song and adapted it into their song which was all about stereotypes about Northerners

From about 1min 40 in the below

Wils 6:36 Mon May 9
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
chav_corner 6:20 Mon May 9

"30 years ago?"

So early 90s. That's about when I first heard it. And we were yo-yoing up and down a bit then meaning we were playing lots of northern towns like Grimsby, Barnsley and Watford. Barnsley away is where someone below said they first heard it.

mashed in maryland 6:22 Mon May 9
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...

BRANDED 11:22 Mon May 9

Plymouth and Portsmouth sing it to London teams as well

chav_corner 6:20 Mon May 9
Re: Why/when did we stop singing this one...
30 years ago? Fellas name was Mick Dwyer.

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